Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A visit to Sequatchie Cove Farm

This past weekend we visited a local farm that specializes in sustainable farming and organic produce. Recently, they have gained notoriety across the South for their artisan cheeses.

On Saturday, they hosted an open house and farm tour. We were curious, so we went. (Besides, who could resist the opportunity to explore a secluded mountain cove on a beautiful autumn morning.)
One of the owner's residence
(and the official greeter on his way to meet visitors)
Gorgeous mountain cove
Brood of hens gleaning spent garden beds
My little one and her accomplice trying to herd a cat
Sequatchie Cove Farm is by no means a typical commercial farm. It is maintained exclusively by six people- two of whom make the farm's cheese. I am not sure how many milking cows they have total, but during our visit we saw about a dozen or so. "The cheesemaker" said they are at about half their capacity right now and are excited about expanding as demand gets higher. Their dairy barn is the latest addition to the farming operation and houses a state of the art commercial kitchen and aging room. (We were not allowed in for sanitation reasons but did get to peek through the window!)

Who's watching who?
The creamers
My little one and her daddy- right at home with the cows 
The autumn colors
All in all- it was a lovely visit on a beautiful autumn day. And while we have no intention of ever going commercial with our farming (or raising our own meat- sorry folks, just can't do it.....), we were very inspired by what we saw at Sequatchie Cove Farm. Who knows- we may just try our hand at cheese making too someday!


  1. Hello, I just came across your blog while doing some research on Sequatchie Cove Farm. I am trying to plan a visit but cannot find much info about visiting. However, your time on the farm looks like a really great time! Did you call before going and did they give you a certain time? Thanks!

  2. Hi Katy-
    Sequatchie Cove Farms hosts an open house and farm tour 2-3x a year.
    We found out about this one on their Facebook page. Also, if you check out my blogroll on the left, Ann's Local Food Letter is their blog. Hope this helps!
